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We are excited to announce that St. Cecilia created the St. Cecilia Legacy Society to recognize families who have remembered our school in their will or estate plan. The first twenty-five families who join the St. Cecilia Legacy Society will be recognized as founding members. 


Download St. Cecilia Legacy Society Form

Planned giving refers to charitable donations that are arranged in advance and typically given as part of a donor's overall financial or estate planning. Unlike regular donations made during one's lifetime, planned gifts often come into effect after the donor has passed away, ensuring a lasting legacy of generosity. Planned gifts can be made in various forms and provide donors with the flexibility to support the causes they care about while also benefiting from potential tax advantages.

A bequest is a gift made through a will or living trust. Donors can designate a specific amount of money, a percentage of their estate, or particular assets to St. Cecilia School.

Life Insurance
Donors can name a charity, such as St. Cecilia School, as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. In this case, St. Cecilia School receives the policy's benefits upon the donor’s passing, providing significant future support.

Retirement Plan Assets
Donors can designate St. Cecilia School as the beneficiary of their retirement plans, such as IRAs or 401(k)s. This method can help minimize taxes on retirement assets, benefiting both St. Cecilia School and the donor's heirs.

Real Estate and Other Assets
Donors can gift real estate or other valuable assets to a charity, either during their lifetime or as part of their estate. Some options allow donors to live on or use the property during their lifetime before the asset is transferred to the charity.

Planned giving allows donors to:

  • Leave a lasting legacy by supporting St. Cecilia School.
  • Maximize financial benefits, including potential tax deductions and savings.
  • Create a flexible plan that can be adjusted over time to meet personal or family needs.
  • Provide future financial stability to St. Cecilia School.

Planned giving is a powerful way to ensure that charitable contributions to St. Cecilia School continue to make a positive impact long into the future.