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Archive for the "Safety" Category

Car Line Inclement Weather and Walker Reminders

September 01, 2024
By SCS Bluejays

There will be times during the year when we must make car line adjustments “on the fly” for the safety of our staff and students, and that requires patience and cooperation from all families. Going forward we will use the following procedures when the weather is severe enough to warrant safety concerns:


  • Staff will unload cars in the line between the crosswalk and the beginning of the covered walkway near the gym. 
  • The stop sign will move to the corner of the gym, and drivers will be directed to use one lane, closest to the covered walkway for unloading.


  • Staff will clear walkers, then clear cars in the line between the crosswalk and the beginning of the covered walkway near the gym. 
  • The stop sign will move to the corner of the gym, and drivers will be directed to use one lane, closest to the covered walkway. This will mean loading only 5-6 cars at a time instead of 10.

Please do not assume that drivers ahead of you are not doing the right thing. Always follow the directions of staff on duty. Cars should never attempt to “jump the line” by pulling into the second lane if vehicles are in one lane. Doing so only puts staff and students at risk of harm, and you will be asked to wait or to make the loop again.



Please be reminded that families using the walker option should NEVER park in front of our administration building or the PLC. Lots in front of the church offices (near Edward Jones), behind the church, or on Jefferson Street may be used.

Tags: handbook, safety
Posted in Safety

Reminder of Car Line Procedures

August 25, 2024
By SCS Bluejays

The safety of our students is our top priority. Please adhere to the following procedures when picking up your child in the afternoon.

  • All parents/guardians utilizing the car line in the afternoon must have a VISIBLE sign. The sign should be taken down only after the child has entered the vehicle. The best way to display the sign is by attaching it to the passenger side visor or hanging it by a coat hanger on the rear-view mirror. Vertically challenged teachers can not see the sign if it is placed on the dash. Please keep this in mind. 
  • Duty teachers will direct traffic. All cars will move forward simultaneously. Please pull up as far as possible. Once traffic has come to a complete stop and the STOP sign is up, vehicles should be in PARK to avoid any movement. Teachers will load the students at this time. Once they are done, the sign will turn to SLOW and cars will move forward, repeating the same process.  
  • St. Cecilia is a HANDS FREE ZONE. Refrain from using your cell phone while in the car line.
  • Keep your eyes facing forward. We need your undivided attention. It takes a split second for a child to get away from a duty teacher, and your attention can help prevent an accident.

Thanks in advance! Your cooperation helps to expedite the car line and keep our children safe.

Tags: handbook, safety
Posted in Safety

Safe Environment Initial Trainings

August 25, 2024
By SCS Bluejays

Safe Environment Initial Training will be held on Thursday, September 5th, at 6pm in the Parish Life Center (PLC). We highly encourage all new SCS parents to attend this initial training. It is a requirement of the Lafayette Diocese if you plan to volunteer your time on campus with our students (this includes capacities such as coaching, field trips, campus events, etc.). All who plan to attend must register through the link provided prior to the training. 


Future Training dates are:

  • Thursday, September 5th, at 6pm in the Parish Life Center (PLC)
  • Wednesday, Nov. 6th, 12-1pm in Memorial Library
  • Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 12-1pm in Memorial Library

Parents who have already attended an initial training only need to recertify yearly which can be completed online at Virtus Online. If there are questions, please contact Brandi Badeaux (

Posted in Safety

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