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Citizens for Educational Choice

August 04, 2024
By SCS Bluejays

Dear Parents, 

The 2024 regular session of the Louisiana Legislature recently ended. Our school is a member of Citizens for Educational Choice (CEC). We need to participate in an electronic advocacy tool designed to help parents of nonpublic school students connect with and influence their state legislators. Parents in our schools should sign up for this tool right away in order to have their voice heard at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge. 

To register, go to On the right of the main page, you will click on Action Center. From there, you will proceed to fill out the information. This tool is called Voter Voice. You will receive legislative alerts from CEC's lobbyist, Tom Costanza, during the legislative session. The alert will ask you to contact your local legislator (Senator or Representative), which you will do by clicking on an electronic link. 

It is very important that the legislator reading the email know that you actually live in his or her district. They know through their campaign work what streets are in their district. The email will look like it came directly from you, thereby maximizing its impact on the legislator. CEC's name will not be shown on the email the legislator receives from you. 

You will only receive three of these action alerts per legislative session. Legislators want to hear from you. The entire email process will only take you 5 minutes, and you will be working effectively at increasing the monies your school receives from the State (by increasing the Required Services funding), as well as defeating bad bills that would hurt our schools and your children. 

Please join CEC's Voter Voice advocacy network by registering at It will only take you a few minutes! 


Erin B. Henry

Principal, St. Cecilia School

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Posted in Academics