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Car Line Inclement Weather and Walker Reminders

September 01, 2024
By SCS Bluejays

There will be times during the year when we must make car line adjustments “on the fly” for the safety of our staff and students, and that requires patience and cooperation from all families. Going forward we will use the following procedures when the weather is severe enough to warrant safety concerns:


  • Staff will unload the first set of cars in the line between the crosswalk and the beginning of the covered walkway near the gym. 
  • The stop sign will then move to the corner of the gym, and drivers will be directed to use the right lane, closest to the covered walkway for unloading.


  • Staff will clear walkers, then clear cars in the line between the crosswalk and the beginning of the covered walkway near the gym. 
  • The stop sign will move to the corner of the gym, and drivers will be directed to use one lane, closest to the covered walkway. This will mean loading only 5-6 cars at a time instead of 10.

Please do not assume that drivers ahead of you are not doing the right thing. Always follow the directions of staff on duty. Cars should never attempt to “jump the line” by pulling into the second lane if vehicles are in one lane. Doing so only puts staff and students at risk of harm, and you will be asked to wait or to make the loop again.



Please be reminded that families using the walker option should NEVER park in front of our administration building or the PLC. Lots in front of the church offices (near Edward Jones), behind the church, or on Jefferson Street may be used.

Tags: handbook, safety
Posted in Safety